Von Stefan Klein, FACTS, September 14, 2000
© 2000 TA-Media AG
Aids Hat ein Polio-Impfstoff die Seuche ausgeloest? Der Verdacht ist vorerst entkraeftet. Der Kampf geht weiter.
Edward Hooper's site on the Origins of AIDS
Von Stefan Klein, FACTS, September 14, 2000
© 2000 TA-Media AG
Aids Hat ein Polio-Impfstoff die Seuche ausgeloest? Der Verdacht ist vorerst entkraeftet. Der Kampf geht weiter.
Panafrican News Agency, Africa News, September 13, 2000
© 2000 AllAfrica, Inc
DAKAR, Senegal (PANA) – The World Health Organisation has refuted a theory that HIV, the virus which causes the incurable disease AIDS, was spread to the general population by an experimental polio vaccine used in Central Africa in the 1950s.
Continue reading “WHO Rejects Claim That AIDS Came From Polio Vaccine”
OTS Originaltextservice, September 13, 2000
© 2000 News Aktuell – DPA Firmengruppe
Auch der Bericht einer Expertengruppe hat den Forscherstreit um die angebliche HIV-Verbreitung durch fruehe Polio-Impfstoffe nicht beendet. Wie die Wochenzeitung DIE ZEIT berichtet, hielt der britische Journalist Edward Hooper, Autor des Buchs “The River”, waehrend einer Pressekonferenz in der Royal Society in London seinen Vorwurf aufrecht, bei der Erprobung eines experimentellen Polio-Impfstoffes in Zentralafrika seien Impflinge womoeglich durch HIV-verseuchte Vakzinen infiziert worden.
Continue reading “Forscherstreit um Angebliche HIV-Verbreitung”
By Huntly Collins, The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 13, 2000
© 2000 Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service
LONDON _ The claim that the AIDS epidemic was set off by scientists at Philadelphia’s Wistar Institute during polio vaccine tests in Africa in the 1950s suffered more blows here yesterday as the Royal Society of London concluded scientific debate on the topic.
Continue reading “Scientists Reach no Conclusion on AIDS-Polio Vaccine Connection”
Patricia Reaney, Reuters, Philadelphia Daily News, September 12, 2000
© 2000 Philadelphia Daily News
AIDS experts yesterday dismissed a theory about the origins of the HIV virus which suggests the disease was spread to humans through a contaminated polio vaccine used in Africa in the late 1950s.
Continue reading “Vaccine-AIDS Link Dismissed Scientists say Virus Predates Polio Serum”
Continue reading “Poliovaccine Testing Results are Not the Endgame”
Nigel Hawkes, The Times (London), September 12, 2000
© 2000 Times Newspapers Limited
NEW tests have exploded the theory that the Aids epidemic was started by a contaminated polio vaccine in Africa.
Steve Sternberg, USA TODAY, September 12, 2000
© 2000 Gannett Company, Inc.
Tests of polio vaccine stored for nearly half a century undercut the notion that the AIDS virus leapt from monkeys to man through polio shots given to African children in the 1950s, experts said Monday.
Guardian (UK), Tuesday 12 September 2000
James Meek, science correspondent
The disturbing and fiercely disputed theory that the Aids virus was unleashed accidentally by western medical researchers in Africa in the 1950s gained new impetus yesterday, with the emergence of fresh witness testimony about the use of chimpanzees in an African mass vaccination trial.
Contemporary Women’s Issues, September 12, 2000
Theory suggests that an experimental polio vaccine introduced in Central Africa in the 1950s may have exposed the general population to the HIV virus
© 2000 World Health Organization