The New Round of Legal Threats by Doctors Koprowski and Plotkin

Officially, their stance is that they care little about the OPV/AIDS theory. They claim that it is but a minor annoyance that sometimes distracts them from their work for a few hours. Sadly for them, the reality is rather different. Over the past four years, Hilary Koprowski and Stanley Plotkin have devoted a large portion …

Contaminated Polio Vaccine Theory Not Refuted

[Edward Hooper’s response to the latest brief communication in Nature by Michael Worobey, Beatrice Hahn and colleagues, entitled “Contaminated polio vaccine theory refuted”. Nature; 2004; 428; 820.] Background The first thing to notice about this one-page paper by Worobey et al. is the media blitz that has preceded it. It has been heavily promoted on …